[melbourne-pug] Next Python meeting - tonight - 17 Hardware Lane

Ed Schofield ed at pythoncharmers.com
Wed Nov 14 22:37:32 EST 2018

Hi all!

A reminder that we'll have our next meeting of the Melbourne Python user
group tonight, Thursday 15th November. We've got these two talks planned:

*1. Janis Lesinskis: How CPython manages internal memory*

Janis will give an overview of how Python objects end up represented in
memory. This covers the concepts of stack frames and Python objects and how
CPython manages the memory that these use via the reference counter.

*2. Nathan Faggian: Google Cloud ML*

Nathan joined Google earlier this year. Nathan will give an overview of
Google's Cloud Machine Learning Engine and how to use its Python client
library. We will also have a look at Colab, Google's free Jupyter notebook

*3. Lightning talks?*

*4. Announcements and pizza*

*When:* 5.45pm for mingling; talks from 6pm; pizza afterwards

*Where: New venue! *Level 2, 17 Hardware Lane, Melbourne CBD

*How to get there: *Walk 8 minutes from Flinders Street station or 5
minutes from Melbourne Central

*Sponsorship:* many thanks to Outcome Life for providing the venue, Biarri
for sponsoring pizzas, and Python Charmers for organisation and meetup

*RSVP:* It looks like we'll have a full house, so arrive early to get a
seat. Please respond on Meetup.com so we can track numbers: https://www.

Do come and join us! We hope to see you there!

Best wishes,

Dr. Edward Schofield
Python Charmers
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