[melbourne-pug] Thanks for doing MPUG last night

Jason King pizza at netspace.net.au
Sun Sep 14 15:33:47 CEST 2014

On 11/09/14 17:56, Andy Kitchen wrote:
> I just haven't had time to put my code online yet
> (sorry! I will soon, really) but in the mean time here are some links.

er, yes, I've been slack too, sorry about that.

Here's the test of the talk I gave, I tried doing in it ipython notebook 
I'm not convinced it worked that well for me, but here it is.

as I mentioned at the time, its only for chrome, I didn't get a chance 
to get it
running for any other browser.
-------------- next part --------------
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      "Oh, Behave Yourself."
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      "How to get behave tests to run selenium code to test your web sites.\n",
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      "Behave is fairly well decumented, as is selenium.  Getting the two to play well with each other was a bit more difficult, \n",
      "and required checking and experimenting with multiple sources of info to make it work.  Here's basically what I did to make it go.\n",
      "      "
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      "    \n",
      "    Behave is a framework to create and run python tests in a way that lets the \n",
      "    testers write tests in the language they know best, and the coders implementing \n",
      "    the tests create the code in their favourite language as well.\n",
      "    \n",
      "    \n",
      "    Tests are written like this:\n",
      "        \n",
      "    Given the current state of the program,\n",
      "    When the user does something,\n",
      "    And the user actually turned the power on,\n",
      "    Then test to make sure that the program worked,\n",
      "    And print out a result.\n",
      "    \n",
      "    Its the coders job to turn the text into this:\n",
      "    \n",
      "    Given the current state of the program\n",
      "    When the user does something\n",
      "    When the user actually turned the power on\n",
      "    Then test to make sure that the program worked\n",
      "    Then print out a result\n",
      "    \n",
      "    So replace \"And\" with the word above it (Given , When or Then)\n",
      "    remove punctuation\n",
      "    \n",
      "    The coder then create python tests that look like this:\n",
      "        \n",
      "    \n",
      "@given('the current state of the program')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    #either write some code to test that you're in the expected state, or \n",
      "    assert(True)\n",
      "@when('the user does something')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    #write some code here to either press a key, or click the mouse on a control\n",
      "    pass    \n",
      "        \n",
      "        \n",
      "@then('test to make sure that the program worked')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert the_expected_result_happened\n",
      "    \n",
      "@then('print out a result')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert value_appears_on_the_screen\n",
      "        "
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      "Install behave and selenium into your environment\n",
      "pip install behave\n",
      "pip install selenium\n",
      "Download the chrome webdriver\n",
      "And place it in your $PATH (or %PATH% )\n",
      "    \n",
      "Note that at the time of writing, chrome webdriver 2.10 didn't work with the most recent chrome release on linux, so 2.9 was used."
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      "Create the following directory structure"
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      "\u251c\u2500\u2500 features\n",
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      "\u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u251c\u2500\u2500 path1a.feature\n",
      "\u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u251c\u2500\u2500 path1d.feature\n",
      "\u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u251c\u2500\u2500 path1e.feature\n",
      "\u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u2514\u2500\u2500 steps\n",
      "\u2502\u00a0\u00a0     \u2514\u2500\u2500 steps.py\n",
      "\u2514\u2500\u2500 readme.txt   (instructions for new people)\n",
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      "Create your behave tests\n",
      "Feature: test path 1a\n",
      "  Scenario: Choose appointment date then doctor, then register, then make appointment for sel\n",
      "    Given user is on appointment page\n",
      "    When the user selects a date\n",
      "    Then the doctors list filters for availability\n",
      "    And the appointment list filters for availability\n",
      "    When the user selects a doctor\n",
      "    Then the available times are displayed\n",
      "    When the user selects a time\n",
      "    And the user selects next\n",
      "    Then the Login/register modal appears\n",
      "    When the user selects register\n",
      "    Then the registration modal is displayed\n",
      "    When the user fills in the details\n",
      "    And the user clicks next\n",
      "    Then the registration details are verified\n",
      "    And the registration details are written to the database\n",
      "    And the Appointment Confirmation modal is shown with user as default patient\n",
      "    When user clicks confirm\n",
      "    Then the appointment is written to database\n",
      "    And the main modal is shown\n",
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      "import threading\n",
      "from wsgiref import simple_server\n",
      "from selenium import webdriver\n",
      "#from my_application import model\n",
      "#from my_application import web_app\n",
      "def before_all(context):\n",
      "    context.server = simple_server.WSGIServer(('', 8000))\n",
      "    context.server.set_app(web_app.main(environment='test'))\n",
      "    context.thread = threading.Thread(target=context.server.serve_forever)\n",
      "    context.thread.start()\n",
      "    context.browser = webdriver.Chrome()\n",
      "def after_all(context):\n",
      "    context.server.shutdown()\n",
      "    context.thread.join()\n",
      "    context.browser.quit()\n",
      "def before_feature(context, feature):\n",
      "    #model.init(environment='test')\n",
      "    pass"
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      "Feature: test path 1a\n",
      "  Scenario: Choose appointment date then doctor, then register, then make appointment for sel\n",
      "    Given user is on appointment page\n",
      "    When the user selects a date\n",
      "    Then the doctors list filters for availability\n",
      "    And the appointment list filters for availability\n",
      "    When the user selects a doctor\n",
      "    Then the available times are displayed\n",
      "    When the user selects a time\n",
      "    And the user selects next\n",
      "    Then the Login/register modal appears\n",
      "    When the user selects register\n",
      "    Then the registration modal is displayed\n",
      "    When the user fills in the details\n",
      "    And the user clicks next\n",
      "    Then the registration details are verified\n",
      "    And the registration details are written to the database\n",
      "    And the Appointment Confirmation modal is shown with user as default patient\n",
      "    When user clicks confirm\n",
      "    Then the appointment is written to database\n",
      "    And the main modal is shown\n"
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      "Finding the right element on the page\n",
      "see http://selenium-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/locating-elements.html for more"
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      "see http://selenium-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/locating-elements.html , it has a short and sweet intro to xpath\n",
      "Suggested browser plugins to help you generate and test xpath queries are:\n",
      "    Chrome\n",
      "        XPath Helper 1.0.13  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xpath-helper/hgimnogjllphhhkhlmebbmlgjoejdpjl\n",
      "        Ctrl-Shift X to turn on, hold down shift as you move the mouse to see the XPath query for what is under the mouse\n",
      "    Firefox ?"
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      "from behave import *\n",
      "import selenium\n",
      "from selenium import webdriver\n",
      "from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException\n",
      "test_url = 'http://localhost:8011/'\n",
      "@given('a suitable date')\n",
      "# td class=\"bookday month-1 available\" data-date=\"30-06-2014\"\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        h = context.browser.find_elements_by_class_name('available')\n",
      "        ok_(len(h) > 0)\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        return False\n",
      "@given('a list of doctors')\n",
      "#how should I grab this, the list from the calendar page?\n",
      "# <ul data-bind=\"foreach: $root.doctors\">\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@given('when login is pressed, we dont have a username and password')\n",
      "#no user? .  check username and password fields in form to make sure they're empty?\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        h = context.browser.find_element_by_class_name('time')\n",
      "        return True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        return False\n",
      "@when('the login link is clicked')\n",
      "#click the login button\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    login_link = context.browser.get_element(context.browser, tag='login')\n",
      "    webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(login_link).click(login_link).perform()\n",
      "@then('choose a doctor')\n",
      "#click on a doctor (pass a name in, or click one at random ?)\n",
      "#there's a function to get all elements with a certain property, use that if you need a random link\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    login_link = context.browser.get_element(context.browser, tag='doctorlink')\n",
      "    webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(login_link).click(login_link).perform()\n",
      "    #assert context.failed is False\n",
      "@then('enter in our details, and then press OK')\n",
      "#cycle through form fields, enter details, then press ok\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@given('user is on appointment page')\n",
      "#make sure user can see the appointments page (not necessarily see appointments)\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    context.browser.get(test_url)\n",
      "    assert(True)\n",
      "@when('the user selects a date')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        h = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//div[@class='times-grid']/div/a\")\n",
      "        webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(h).click(h).perform()\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@then('the doctors list filters for availability')\n",
      "#possible things happen here, someone in the list is unavailable?\n",
      "#one person is still available?\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@then('the appointment list filters for availability')\n",
      "#not sure about this, some times may disappear\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@when('the user selects a doctor')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        h = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//li[@class='available']\")\n",
      "        webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(h).click(h).perform()\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@then('the available times are displayed')\n",
      "#can see appointments  (what if there's no available times?  should //a be removed)\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        h = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//div[@class='times-grid']//a\")\n",
      "        assert True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@When('the user selects a time')\n",
      "#user clicks on an appointment (at random?)\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        h = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//div[@class='times-grid']//a\")\n",
      "        webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(h).click(h).perform()\n",
      "        assert True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@When('the user selects next')\n",
      "#find \"next\" and click on it.  I'm guessing \"next\" is the submit button to a form.\n",
      "#if not, well, find the link and click on it\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        h = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//div[@class='submit']//a[@class='btn btn-primary']\")\n",
      "        webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(h).click(h).perform()\n",
      "        assert True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@Then('the Login/register modal appears')\n",
      "#check for login/register\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        form = context.browser.find_element_by_id('form')\n",
      "        ok_(form.text.startswith(\"login\"),\n",
      "           'No login form %r' % h.text)\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        return False\n",
      "@When('the user selects register')\n",
      "#user clicks on register link\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        register_link = context.browser.find_element_by_class_name('register')\n",
      "        webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(register_link).click(register_link).perform()\n",
      "        return True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        return False\n",
      "@Then('the registration modal is displayed')\n",
      "#make sure the registration form appears\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        form = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//form[@id='registerForm']\")\n",
      "        return True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@When('the user fills in the details')\n",
      "#cycle through the form and fill in the details\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@When('the user clicks next')\n",
      "#see 'the user selects next'\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        form = context.browser.find_element_by_class_name('form')\n",
      "        form,submit()\n",
      "        return True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        return False\n",
      "@Then('the registration details are verified')\n",
      "#whats verifying the details?  javascript? the PMS ?\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@Then('the registration details are written to the database')\n",
      "#make sure registration details can be accessed from the django ORM\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@Then('the Appointment Confirmation modal is shown with user as default patient')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        confirm = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//*[contains(text(), 'Appointment Details')]\")\n",
      "        assert True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@When('user clicks confirm')\n",
      "#find \"confirm\" and click on it\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        confirm = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//*[contains(text(), 'Confirm Appointment')]\")\n",
      "        webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(confirm).click(confirm).perform()\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@Then('the appointment is written to database')\n",
      "#make sure the apointment you just made is accessable from the django ORM\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert True\n",
      "@Then('the main modal is shown')\n",
      "#whats \"the main modal\"?\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when('the user selects log in')\n",
      "#find \"log in\" and click on it\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        login = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//*[contains(text(), 'Log In')]\")\n",
      "        webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(login).click(login).perform()\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@then('the login modal is displayed')\n",
      "#login form is displayed\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        confirm = context.browser.find_element_by_xpath(\"//*[contains(text(), 'Sign in')]\")\n",
      "        assert True\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@when('the user fills in username and password')\n",
      "#cycle through the login form and fill in the details\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@then('Login details are verified')\n",
      "#the screen doesn't say \"login failed\"?\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@then('the Appointment Confirmation modal is shown')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@when('the user selects a different name from the drop down list')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    pass\n",
      "@when('the user clicks confirm')\n",
      "#find \"confirm\" and click on it\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    try:\n",
      "        confirm = context.browser.find_element_by_link_text('Confirm')\n",
      "        webdriver.ActionChains(context.browser).move_to_element(confirm).click(confirm).perform()\n",
      "    except NoSuchElementException:\n",
      "        assert False\n",
      "@then(u'the available dates are displayed')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the user fills in all details')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the user clicks login/register link on page')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the user selects My Account')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@then(u'account details are shown')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the user selects New Patient')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the user enters new patient details')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the user clicks ok')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@then(u'new patient data is verified')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@then(u'new patient data is written to database')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the user closes the dialog box')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the user selects the new patient name from the drop down list')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@then(u'the login details are verified')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n",
      "@when(u'the Appointment Confirmation modal is shown with user as default patient')\n",
      "def step_impl(context):\n",
      "    assert False\n"
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     "outputs": []
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     "input": [
      "Use behave -v to find out what behave is really doing, to find out why its not working"
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     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "    http://testingbot.com/support/getting-started/behave.html\n",
      "    http://selenium-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/locating-elements.html   \n",
      "    StackOverflow\n",
      "        \n",
      "Thanks to:\n",
      "    Ed Schofield (for intro to behave)\n",
      "    Adrienne Walker (for writing the tests)"
     "language": "python",
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     "outputs": []
   "metadata": {}

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