[melbourne-pug] Project time?

Anthony Briggs abriggs at westnet.com.au
Sat Feb 6 00:45:33 CET 2010

Lars Yencken wrote:
> On 5 February 2010 15:39, Leigh Morresi <dgtlmoon at gmail.com 
> <mailto:dgtlmoon at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     has anyone actually tried to get this "data" ?
> I looked at data sets released last year in the same spirit, and they 
> seemed to be mostly summary statistics, a far cry from the raw data 
> feeds which powered Chicago Crime, which is now EveryBlock 
> <http://www.everyblock.com/>.
That was my thought too. I can't see how you would make something 
compelling with those three example data sets. From the police site:

"Victoria Police will be updating the crime figures every three months 
so you can see what is happening in your suburbs and hear directly from 
your local police Inspector about the work being done by police in your 

That's not "open access" - that's called "having a web site". The 
water/stream quality one is the same - there's some data in there, but 
it stops at around 2002, so it's not very useful (eg. no up to the 
minute e-coli readings by beach).

Not that I'm trying to be cynical or anything, but it does seem that 
they're missing the point a bit. Perhaps they'll release more up to date 
data once the competition goes live.


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