[melbourne-pug] developing something as a group

Anthony Briggs abriggs at westnet.com.au
Sat Jun 18 05:07:37 CEST 2005

Maurice Ling wrote:
> Richard Jones wrote:
>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:10 am, Maurice Ling wrote:
>>> 1. Is there a way or system to satisfy the dependencies if I choose to
>>> install a package?
>>> 2. When I upgrade my Python installation, is there a way to re-install
>>> all the packages of my older python version into my newer python
>>> version?
>> For the information of others on this list, there's a number of
>> projects alive at present attempting to satisfy these concerns. See:
>>  http://wiki.python.org/moin/DistutilsProjects
> Uraga seems to be the closest to what I have in mind.
> ...
> I have a very raw prototype in sourceforge, under ib-dwb/centipyde. Just
> go to the CVS and take a look.

Just as a minor aside, there's often a tendency amongst programmers to
reinvent the wheel - I've been guilty of it myself on a few occasions. A
better way to go might be to get a few interested developers together
and add the functionality that you're missing to Uraga.

It shouldn't take too long to get up to speed, and the main developer of
whichever package you choose will probably be glad of the help :)

Just my 2c worth,


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