[melbourne-pug] developing something as a group

Maurice Ling mauriceling at acm.org
Sat Jun 18 01:11:55 CEST 2005

Richard Jones wrote:

>On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:10 am, Maurice Ling wrote:
>>1. Is there a way or system to satisfy the dependencies if I choose to
>>install a package?
>>2. When I upgrade my Python installation, is there a way to re-install
>>all the packages of my older python version into my newer python version?
>For the information of others on this list, there's a number of projects alive 
>at present attempting to satisfy these concerns. See:
>  http://wiki.python.org/moin/DistutilsProjects
>     Richard
Uraga seems to be the closest to what I have in mind.

I chose to put this up for development in the group because it affects 
everyone and although I intend to start it as an academic project, I may 
not have all the time it needs to see the daylight. Having said that, if 
the group is interested to develop it to production, I am willing to 
take the lead.

I have a very raw prototype in sourceforge, under ib-dwb/centipyde. Just 
go to the CVS and take a look.


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