[Mailman3-dev] Threaded moderation interface

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Apr 9 09:29:17 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 21:20, J C Lawrence wrote:

> Aye, there's a particularly interesting case (for me) in lists which
> don't munge Reply-To: where the moderator can/could watch a thread
> develop off-list and them approve the whole thing once it has started
> rolling.
> > OTOH, what I /really/ want is access to the admindb through a real
> > mail client, i.e. IMAP.  
> Hurm, that could be interesting.

The wild-ass idea is that you could view the thread in your mail reader,
and then just move the whole thing to the Approved folder.  Mailman
would pick that up occasionally and post those messages.

> > I'm personally just not a big fan of rendering email in HTML for a lot
> > of reasons...
> I'm finding that this problem space is rapidly turning multi-protocol
> where SMTP is but one of the many possible, and plain text or HTML are
> but possible rendering models.  I've got this idea for a well formed XML
> DTD for email payloads that properly handles quotes, attributions,
> attachments...

Yep, that's definitely the road I'm thinking about.  Although I hate to
write XML (it's really not human friendly), there are definitely some
interesting things you can do with email once it's in that format.  You
might want to experiment with a new type of Generator for the object
model that the email package creates.

> Imagine two lists, one subscribed to the other.  The child list is
> moderated and holds all messages for moderation.  The first list has
> fairly heavy discussion.  Periodically, after thread death, the
> moderator reviews the threads and picks out those he thought most
> valuable (mebe there's a vote) and posts them to the child list.  As
> such the child list then becomes the "best of parent list" list.

That's a neat idea -- please add it to the wiki!


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