[Mailman-Users] LDAP routing

Zinski, Steve szinski at richmond.edu
Thu Nov 14 13:31:27 EST 2019

I hope that someone here can help me (or point me in the right direction).

We are migrating from sendmail (virtuser) mail routing to LDAP routing. Setting up routing for users is pretty straightforward using the inetLocalMailRecipient class and the mail/mailLocalAddress/mailRoutingAddress attributes. But I was wondering what would be the best (correct) way to represent the mailman alias addresses in LDAP (i.e., list-admin, list-bounces, list-confirm, etc.). Would each get its own entry in LDAP or is there a better way? Any help would be appreciated.


[University of Richmond]
Steven C. Zinski
Sr. Network Programmer
Network Services, Jepson Hall
221 Richmond Way
University of Richmond, Virginia, 23173
804-289-8773 • szinski at richmond.edu<mailto:szinski at richmond.edu> • https://is.richmond.edu

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