[Mailman-Users] Regular subscriber receiving both regular and digest delivery

Brian Austin austinb at mcls.org
Thu Dec 8 14:20:23 EST 2016

Running Mailman 2.1.12 on CentOS 6.8. We have a regular-delivery subscriber who is somehow receiving both regular and digest delivery for the same list. She only wants regular delivery. Here’s what we’ve checked so far:
* Looked at Mailman’s web interface. Confirmed user is listed there as a non-digest, plain text subscriber
* Double-checked by running the # list_members –r  <listname> command. Reran with the –d option. Output matched results above.
* Several people at her office are subscribers. Asked user if she receives mail on behalf of any current/former coworkers. She said no.
* In case user misunderstood what “digest” means, asked her to forward us a copy of a recent delivery. Sure enough, it’s the digest.
* Restarted Mailman via # sudo /etc/init.d/mailman restart
* Manually unsubscribed user via remove_members and re-added her for regular delivery
* Checked /var/log/mailman to see if anything useful there. Didn’t find anything relevant to the problem.

Going forward:
It’s very possible I’ve overlooked something basic.
Would be nice to see “under the hood” how Mailman is handling the user’s subscription. Am guessing there’s a way but am a fairly newbie sysadmin and am not familiar enough with Mailman to know.

Any suggestions on how to pin down and solve the problem? Thanks in advance for your time and advice.


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