[Mailman-Users] {Disarmed} Re: importing archived Maildir email lists into Mailman lists archives

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Sep 1 03:12:40 CEST 2015

On 08/31/2015 05:58 AM, [IDIS Technical Secretariat] Ricardo Rodríguez
> This has been more or less my entry point to this issue. Perhaps I've
> not been able to explain the issue correctly or I'm missing something.
> What I'm looking to move into mbox is a set of archives of Maildir
> mailing lists.

Why do you refer to these archives as being of Maildir mailing lists?
What is the actual software that created them.

> Those archives don't contain new, cur and tmp folders all
> the scripts I've spotted at looked for. This is the structure of each
> archived email list folder I have here...
> Ricardo-Rodriguezs-Mac-Pro:r.users rrodriguez$ ls
> Log		bounce		digissue	headerremove	lock		mod		outlocal	remote
> allow		bouncer		dignum		indexed		lockbounce	modsub		owner		subscribers
> archive	config		editor		inlocal		mailinglist	num		prefix		text
> archived	digest		headeradd	key		manager		outhost		public		tstdig
> Within /archive, there are two folders, 0 and 1, with a number of files,
> each of them containing one message, and an index file.

This looks vaguely like Maildir, except Maildir has no index file. What
is in the index file(s)? What is the difference between 0 and 1? Do they
each contain some complete (including all headers) messages, i.e. each
contains a set of messages that combined are all the messages, or does
one of them contain message headers and the other bodies, or does one
contain messages and the other contain metadata about the messages?

> Please, does this made sense for you? Am I completely lost? How could I
> deal with this "archives" to move them to mbox files and get them
> imported our brand new Mailman server?

You just need to add a *nix From_ separator to the beginning of each
complete message and concatenate them.

If you can show me what's actually in some of those files, I could
possibly create a conversion script for you.

It could be as simple as something like

cat archives/0/* archives/1/* > mbox

except for the index files, but probably not.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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