[Mailman-Users] Part of moderated mails postponed to later digests

Henrik Rasmussen her at adm.ku.dk
Tue Nov 3 09:32:18 EST 2015

One of my list administrators complains that digest mails now seems to be sent in fragmented chunks and instead of sending all moderated mails in a digest the same day, only some of the mails will be sent with a digest the same day, and the rest will be sent in a digest with the next moderated mails, half a week later. For instance, when moderating say 50 mails in week 1 and 50 mails in week 2, the digest mail in week 1 will contain say 30 mails in a digest, while the digest in week 2 will contain like 20 mails from week 1 and like 10 mails from week 2.

There is no information about when the admin discovered the problem, but on August 20th 2015 Mailman has been upgraded from 3:2.1.12-18.el6 to 3:2.1.12-25.el6 and I wonder if the DMARC implementation in 3:2.1.12-22.el6 has something to do with it, as this is the only changes I can think of having any effect on the mail behavior.

dmarc_quarantine_moderation_action is set to Yes on the list in particular and according to some discussions on the Internet, this strict action has been coursing bounces, so I suggested him to set this to No.

But even being strict, I don't see why this would course parts of the digest being held half a week, so something else must interfere.

Henrik Rasmussen

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