[Mailman-Users] Virtual Mailman broke!

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu May 15 07:22:14 CEST 2014

On 05/14/2014 04:26 PM, Jan Steinman wrote:
> I'm using the Mailman and postfix that came bundled with MacOS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) on a Mac Mini Server.

See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/OIDD>. Yes, I know you probably
can't get help from Apple, but Apple's Mailman is known to be patched in
ways we have little or no knowledge of, and this affects the help we can
give you.

> I have problems adding new lists using the web interface. It's been a problem forever, but I've forgotten the magic fixes to magic files that I've done in the past to correct it.

Do you mean the Mailman 'create' CGI or some Apple thing? If Mailman's,
what are the symptoms of the problem?

> I have a number of small non-profits that I host websites for, and each has one or more Mailman lists. I run my own DNS and MTA using the domain "bytesmiths.com". All these virtual domain lists were working, until I added a new list to one of them. It failed to accept the new mailman list address after adding the new list through the Mailman web interface.

What do you mean by "failed to accept the new mailman list address". Do
you mean failed to accept mail to that address as below, or something else?

> So then I started poking around, and noticed the new list did not appear like other functioning lists in /var/mailman/data files. I carefully added the new list by editing "aliases" and "virtual-mailman" files that warned ominously "do not edit!" and ran newaliases(1). I verified that the .db files are newer than the edited text files.
> Well, now NONE of my virtual domains work any more. They fail by redirecting to the base domain. For example, mail to new list "glarp at VirtualDomain.org" -- previously working -- fails with a bounce that "glarp at bytesmiths.com" doesn't exist.

Is bytesmiths.com in Postfix's mydestination (i.e., a Postfix local
domain). If so, Postfix is not seeing the alias for glarp, i.e.something

glarp:             "|/path/to/mail/mailman post glarp"

> Rather than deluge you with config files and error logs, I thought I'd post the symptoms first, to see if anyone could point me in the right direction, or could request specific config/log info.

Do you have

MTA = 'Postfix'

in mm_cfg.py?

Do you have

postfix_style_virtual_domains = ['VirtualDomain.org',
                                 'Yet Another.org',

in mm_cfg.py.

If you created the list using Mailman's CGI, did you have the web host
for VirtualDomain.org as the host in the URL, and do you have

add_virtualhost('VirtualWebDomain.org', 'VirtualDomain.org')

in mm_cfg.py?

If all the above is OK, running Mailman's bin/genaliases should fix up
data/aliases* and data/virtual-mailman*

If not, show us the contents of mm_cfg.py and the output of postconf -n.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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