[Mailman-Users] Add PayPal to DNs publishing DMARC p=reject

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
Thu May 8 04:55:20 CEST 2014

Peter Shute writes:

 > So does this mean that any solution is going to be a choice between
 > ease of replying to the list and ease of accidental replying to the
 > list?

Yes, and that's an unsolvable problem.  Some replies should be public,
some should be private, and only the user can know which is which.  We
can bias things one way or the other, but we can't really do much on
the list side to improve accuracy of addressing.

MUAs could help a bit more than they do, but they're just programs,
too.  In the end, you have to assume the user knows what she's doing,
and that isn't always true.

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