[Mailman-Users] testing attachment-move custom handler

Sylvain Viart sylvain at opensource-expert.com
Mon Jun 2 11:41:02 CEST 2014


We have done some tests. Thanks people testing it.

Le 01/06/2014 11:38, Sylvain Viart a écrit :
> I'm looking for beta tester for my custom Handler.
> http://mailman.opensource-expert.com/mailman/listinfo/attachment-move

Hosting in done in France and could be slow to reach from foreign countries.

I've updated the code and the doc

The remaining problems:

=> content encoding.
If you send an email encoded in us-ascii it is rewritten in utf-8 to 
handle the text footer.

For some unknown reason (to me) the part are now base64 encoded (may be 
due to multi-byte characters).
Is it a bad thing for spam detection that the content is base64?
Or should I let it that way.

I've disabled the use of the borrowed calculate_attachments_dir(mlist, 
msg, msgdata) function. As it creates unique name but only for a single 
message. Attachment are now stored locally on a dedicated folder 
'attachments-moved' next to 'attachments' used by Scrubber.py.

This ensure unique filename on the remote storage.

Of course it introduces storage and inode fillup…
=> Is there some cron or scheduled code available?

There's a crontab.in  an also one installed by the debian package.

=> About translation of the footer, what is the procedure?
I found a huge:

I don't know if I will manage to write a human bearable procedure to 
install translation as well…


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