[Mailman-Users] Privacy Options Filtering

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Jun 5 02:54:41 CEST 2013

Mark Sapiro writes:

 > The bug is only that if you select "Add <invalid address> to one of
 > these sender filters:" Mailman will add the address to one of the
 > *_these_nonmembers filters and later you will be unable to edit that
 > filter through the web UI unless and until you remove the invalid
 > address.

Ah, OK.  I would say that the only things it ever makes sense to do
with an invalid address is to HOLD (and inform the user, if known to
the moderator, otherwise discard), or DISCARD.  So it gets complex if
you try to DTRT (IMO, suggest to the admin they should DISCARD these
addresses).  It's probably not worth it doing so much to try to fix it,
especially in Mailman 2.

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