[Mailman-Users] Migrate from Lyris to Mailman

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Jul 25 03:18:56 CEST 2013

On 07/24/2013 02:30 PM, Stephen Cook wrote:
> So requests to
> "http://oldserver.mydomain.com" should go the the old Windows server,
> and "mylist at oldserver.mydomain.com" should go to the new server.
> I've been banging my head on this problem for the last couple of
> days.  My questions to the mailman community are 1) is this
> possible/feasible and 2) If so, what's the best way to do this.

It's possible, It may and may not be easy. If the only mail to the
oldserver.mydomain.com domain is list mail or if all mail to the
oldserver.mydomain.com domain should go to the new server, just create
an MX record for oldserver.mydomain.com pointing to the new server.


> I've figured out how to pull a test file conting the lists & list
> members from Lyris.  I've also figured out how to forward email
> address to whatever at oldserver.mydomain.com to the new server.

forward the list mail as you already have figured out. Presumably (but
maybe not, I'm not your management...) the only list mail that would
need to be forwarded is for currently existing lists and new lists
wouldn't have an oldserver.mydomain.com address, so you wouldn't have a
maintenance issue with forwards.

There will be issues for web access to Mailman on the new server.
Mailman supports multiple virtual hosts with the restriction that
listnames must be globally unique. However, it doesn't directly support
two virtual hosts with the same web domain, so my suggestion is
configure Mailman on the new server with only DEFAULT_URL_HOST and
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST pointing to the new server. Then when you create
lists, they will reference the new server for the Mailman web UI and the
new server for list email.

Then after you create the migrated lists, you can set their email domain
to oldserver.mydomain.com. This can be done by setting each list's
host_name attribute on the web admin General Options page for the list,
or by running Mailman's bin/config_list.

To do the latter for all lists, you could do

cd /path/to mailman
echo > $f host_name = 'oldserver.mydomain.com'
for l in `bin/list_lists --bare`; do
  bin/config_list -i $f $l
rm $f

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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