[Mailman-Users] Problem creating mailing lists via webinterface in2.1.11

Larry Stone lstone19 at stonejongleux.com
Wed Mar 28 23:24:07 CEST 2012

On Wed, 28 Mar 2012, Steve Matzura wrote:

> It would *never* be in my best interest not to give you all the info.
> The problem is, I don't know exactly what info you need or want, and
> what would be superfluous. Let's see if I can provide more below.
> Anything I've omitted, just ask and it shall be yours for the knowing.

How about the error message you get when you try to create a list via the 
web interface. The one that you assumed we would somehow all know without 
you telling us (having never had an error when creating a list or if I 
did, not in recent years, I haven't the slightest clue what sort of error 
message you might have recieved). It seems rather likely that the error 
you received dealt with alias creation which you seem to want to think of 
as a second unrelated problem.

I'd strongly suggest you start over and provide all relevant information 
in one post so we don't have to go through several messages to find the 
information you've dribbled out to us in multiple messages.

-- Larry Stone
    lstone19 at stonejongleux.com

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