[Mailman-Users] digests not getting sent

Anil Jangity anilj at me.com
Sat Jan 21 22:30:45 CET 2012


I ran into a problem with digests not getting sent and I found out the root cause to be something like this, on Solaris:

So, I compiled my own Python 2.7, and tried to send 

/path/to/python2.7 -S /path/to/senddigests

That reported no errors, and I found 'lists/*/*digest.mbox' getting processed, as far as I can tell. The files disappeared after running the above command.
Where is the logging for digests? 

How do I know it's really working? I created a test list and added a member with Digest options. Sent some emails as another member, then ran that command. I have not received any email so far.


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