[Mailman-Users] Invisible message for approval [SOLVED]

Narcis Garcia - GiLUG informatica at actiu.net
Tue Oct 11 21:50:26 CEST 2011

Production and mirror are ready to work, and the only difference is the 
public DNS pointer. The design is planned to make only 1 change on a DNS 
record to change the role of a server.

I'll study the best point to make check if it's production or not, and 
then run crontab actions or not.


Al 11/10/11 21:18, En/na Mark Sapiro ha escrit:
> Narcis Garcia - GiLUG wrote:
>> The matter I don't know how to solve is to have a mirror (available for
>> production) but not sending mails while doesn't become the production one.
>> (Server can know if it's main or mirror with a DNS query: ListServer IP
>> =? My IP)
> Presumably, you are not actually running Mailman on the mirror. The nn
> held messages waiting notices com from a Mailman cron job.  You have
> several choices.
> 1) Don't mirror Mailman's crontab.
> 2) Don't run crond on the mirror server (probably the best option).
> 3) Update the mirror frequently enough so that changes on the
> production server are reflected on the mirror before Mailman's crons
> run (this won't avoid duplicate notices when there are held messages
> on the production server).
> 4) modify Mailman's crontab to only run the jobs on the production
> server.

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