[Mailman-Users] Monthly mailing of password hints

Jack G F Hill listown at nanniandjack.com
Wed Jul 6 19:53:01 CEST 2011

We encountered a situation that felt like an error, but probably is not...

User is set to NoMail while he moves from one place (and one ISP) to 
another... no current (working) email address...

The system continues to try sending password reminders, which bounce and 
cause the hosting owner to be concerned about mail errors...

Ought mailman (2.1.14) continue sending out password reminders to a 
"NoMail" subscriber?

Is there a setting I can get to to stop the reminders until he returns? 
I couldn't find it if such a switch exists for list admins...
Jack Hill, W4KH - BoatAnchors Listowner/Archiver
listown at nanniandjack.com
"Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose"
"Il n'y a que les idiots qui ne changent jamais d'idee"

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