[Mailman-Users] Missing archives and deleting archive messages.

JRC Groups joemailgroups at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 22:47:43 CET 2011

Hello, everyone.

I am experiencing two problems with my Mailman lists and wanted to ask if
any of you know the solutions.

Question 1:

Two (2) out of the five lists I created on my Mac OS X server are not
displaying their archives. I get as far as the default Mailman subscription
page for these two lists but once I click on the link on top of the page
that should go to the list's archives I get a blank browser page stating
"Safari can't find the server" (I'm on a Mac). On the next line it states
the following:

Safari can't open the page "http://domain.com/mailman/private/listname/"
because Safari can't find the server "domain.com".

Just to make this clear, I don't believe it can't find the server since this
works for the other three (3) lists I have on the server. Only two seem to
be displaying this behavior.

Question 2:

On a few of the lists I have created I have messages in their archives that
were sent just as test messages to ensure the lists were working right. I
don't want to have these messages as part of the lists' archives once I have
subscribers signing up for the lists. How can I (1) delete the entire
archive for a list and (2) delete only specific messages ?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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