[Mailman-Users] Mailman list sends but doesn't receive mail.

Larry Stone lstone19 at stonejongleux.com
Mon Apr 18 13:28:12 CEST 2011

On 4/18/11 1:53 AM, JRC Groups at joemailgroups at gmail.com wrote:

> I have read the page and also contacted Larry Stone. His instructions are
> for installation on OS X client and not OS X Server. I haven't found
> instructions on how to remove the Mailman version bundled by Apple with OS X
> Server. One of my concerns is that Apple's version and the downloaded
> version would both have several (if not all) files installed as default in
> the same location and this could lead to potential conflicts.

With some more thought than my quick private reply to you last night, I
don't think this is an issue. IIRC, you choose where to install Mailman and
I believe it is self-contained in that directory. My latest instructions
(for Snow Leopard) suggest /usr/local/mailman but previous versions
suggested /Applications/mailman (and if you wanted to, you could call it
something like 
which is inelegant but would work and I'm pretty sure really does not
conflict :-) ). So long as the directory you pick does not exist, then you
will not be at risk of a conflict. You would, of course, have to change that
name throughout my instructions but that is trivial.

The instructions do call for modifying some configuration files of other
software (Postfix and Apache) but those files are intended to be
user-modifiable and Apple provided updates should not be overriding your

Larry Stone
lstone19 at stonejongleux.com

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