[Mailman-Users] Setting mailman to "archive browse mode" only

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Sep 7 03:18:52 CEST 2010

Steven Jones wrote:
>My management want to move our listing function to Exchange 2k10....however we have a need to maintain the archives on the existing mailman server so ppl can search them.
>Is it possible to disable all of mailman's functions except search/browsing of the archive?

If the archives are public, all you need is Mailman's archives/
directory (both archives/private/ and archives/public/) and the
pipermail alias in your web server. The rest can go unless there is
some CGI for searching.

If (some of) the archives are private, it's a little trickier because
you have to maintain the 'private' CGI and the lists for

In either case, perhaps the simplest approach is to stop Mailman and
not start it again, remove the Mailman aliases or whatever the MTA
uses to deliver to Mailman, and remove the 'listinfo' and perhaps
other wrappers from Mailman's cgi-bin/ directory leaving maybe only
'private' and anything relating to archive searching.

You may or may not also want to remove Mailman's crontab so password
reminders aren't sent.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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