[Mailman-Users] MailMan product question

David Scarborough davids at netfriends.com
Mon Mar 22 18:08:29 CET 2010



We have an organization with a need for a mailing list manager.  Their
desire is to have something that allows them to enter a contact name and
a contact email address.  Most systems we have reviewed only show email
addresses so deciphering who is actually on the list is impossible.  I
realize that users can subscribe/unsubscribe by email but this is not
what they need. Does Mailman manage lists with contact name AND email
address?  I could not tell easily from the product information.




All the best,



David Scarborough  
Net Friends, Inc * SciMed Solutions, Inc * 327 W Main St * Durham, NC
Ph 919-680-3763 * Fax 919-680-3377 * eFax 866-329-0644 
www.netfriends.com <http://www.netfriends.com/>
www.scimedsolutions.com <http://www.scimedsolutions.com/> 


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