[Mailman-Users] Mailing list

Larry Stone lstone19 at stonejongleux.com
Tue Jan 26 15:55:14 CET 2010

On Mon, 25 Jan 2010, King, Leslie wrote:

> Can your program work on a Mac?

You've already had a couple of answers. I have written (and it should be 
found in the archives) installation instructions for various recent 
versions of Mac OS X.

That said, and with no idea of what your expectations and capabilities 
are, it is not a piece of consumer software that you just copy on to your 
Macintosh and double-click. You will be turning your Macintosh into a 
server (no, you don't need to have Mac OS X Server), you will need a mail 
server running, you will be downloading the Mailman source and building it 
(requires Mac OS X Developer Tools), you will be modifying the 
internal web server on your computer, and you will need to modify system 
startup files (Mailman runs in the background). In short, you need to be a 
reasonably skilled system administrator.

-- Larry Stone
    lstone19 at stonejongleux.com

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