[Mailman-Users] Simple, yet over my head multiple domain problem

Ty Nelson tygrrrnelson at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 19:14:14 CEST 2010

Greetings Geniuses...

I have mailman 2.1.11 running with postfix, and it's absolutely great.  I
love it.  The problem is...I'm going to be honest when I say I'm definitely
below average intelligence with this sort of thing.
I don't know how to make it so I can have more than one domain on my mailman
install.  I have all the domains pointing to the correct IP address, so the
interface works on each domain.  I can change the hostname in my
main.cffile to whatever domain I want to work at that instant, and it
works-but I
don't know how I can have 5 domains that work at the same time.  I can only
get them to work one at a time.
I understand that these files must be changed:
(something involving virtual hosts????)

But I've looked everywhere on the internet and I can't find a step by step
guide for (idiots) if you will on what I need to do to what file word for

how can I make:

all work at the same time.

I know this forum is for advanced issues in general, been on it for quite
sometime.  So I apologize for filling your inbox with such a silly question.

I am so grateful for your assistance.

Thank you,

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