[Mailman-Users] Site password not functioning

Rob pennguin at mac.com
Thu Apr 1 21:54:39 CEST 2010

On Apr 1, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

> Rob wrote:
>> While dealing with a flood of returned mails generated by the monthly password reminders sent out today, I noticed that my site admin password no longer functions correctly. Mailman accepts the password, and I can make changes to records, but if I attempt, for instance, to view a user record and choose the 'List my other subscriptions' button, I get the "The list administrator may not view the other subscriptions for this user." error. 
>> I know this worked previously, but I don't know what changed.
>> So far I have changed the site password using mmsitepass, run check_perms -f until there are no permissions errors, and restarted mailman, none of which changed the behavior.
>> This is Mailman 2.1.13 running on Mac OS X server 10.5.8
> If you just upgraded Mailman, this was changed in 2.1.7.
> If that is not the explaination, it is probably that you don't have
> in mm_cfg.py. Be sure and read the documentation in Defaults.py before
> changing this.
> Also, if you have upgraded, see the FAQ at
> <http://wiki.list.org/x/aICB>.
> And finally, the bounced reminder should list all the user's
> subscriptions.

Thanks. I have not recently upgraded or changed Mailman, though there was a recent Apple security update, and I'm not sure if it could have included a Mailman upgrade within it. The apparently huge number of expired addresses which bounced to the -owner address today suggests (based on my understanding of the wiki article you referenced) that there must have been an upgrade included. 

I added ALLOW_SITE_ADMIN_COOKIES = Yes to mm_cfg.py and restarted mailman, but the behavior persists, or else I am not understanding the new behavior of the site admin password. Essentially I use the site admin password to quickly traverse multiple list config options without having to enter the list password for each list, delete users from multiple lists, or change their passwords for them. 

And, yes, the bounced reminder did list all of the user's subscriptions. 

Thanks for your help. 


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