[Mailman-Users] Restore Mailman lists to default setting

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Oct 31 02:54:40 CET 2009

Hung Phan wrote:
>We have a few lists that have different settings than Mailman default  
>settings. We believe that some of these settings are conflicting and  
>create two issues that we are currently experiencing (subscribe email  
>not sent out and sender not receive posted message)  We went through  
>changing the settings on the lists but not making any difference. With  
>newly created lists, they don't have the issue. Is there a way to  
>restore a list setting to the default setting but keep the membership?

You can use one of your newly created, working lists and do

  bin/config_list -o filename working_list

Then edit filename and remove the list specific settings like
real_name, owner, moderator, description, info and subject_prefix and
then using the edited file, do

  bin/config_list -i filename non-working_list

Or, you could do

  bin/config_list -o file1 working_list
  bin/config_list -o file2 non-working_list
  diff file1 file2

to see what's different.

However, if I understand correctly what "subscribe email not sent out"
means, that is controlled only by send_welcome_msg, and "sender not
receive posted message" is controlled by the individual user option
called "not metoo" on Membership Management... -> Membership List. The
default for this setting for new users is the "Do not send a copy of a
member's own post" checkbox under General Options ->
new_member_options, but that only affects the setting for new
subscribers. Changing this has no effect on existing members.

In order to turn off "not metoo" for all existing members (without
doing it via the web interface) you need a withlist script such as the
one at <http://www.msapiro.net/scripts/set_nodups.py>, but that script
sets "nodups" On for all members. To set "not metoo" Off for all
members you need to change the line

        mlist.setMemberOption(member, mm_cfg.DontReceiveDuplicates, 1)


        mlist.setMemberOption(member, mm_cfg.DontReceiveOwnPosts, 0)

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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