[Mailman-Users] Mailman - a few questions

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Nov 18 03:18:50 CET 2009

Bill Catambay wrote:

>At 6:54 AM -0700 on 8/14/09, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>You can do this but it will require the cooperation of the Mailman
>>host. The cooperation part is to set
>>SENDER_HEADERS = (None, 'from', 'reply-to', 'sender')
>>in mm_cfg.py. Putting None first will check the envelope sender before
>>the From: header.
>Just for clarity, who exactly would perform 
>the above change?  My ISP who hosts Mailman?  Can you give me the 
>technically correct language I could use to suggest it to them? 
>(i.e., so that they know exactly what to do)

This needs to be done by someone at the ISP who has the ability to
write to the mailman configuration file which by default is at
/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py, but may be elsewhere in their

They would just add the one line

SENDER_HEADERS = (None, 'from', 'reply-to', 'sender')

to the end of the file. This will change the order of membership tests.
Instead of checking for membership and moderated in the default From:,
(envelope sender), Reply-To:, Sender: order, it will check in the
order (envelope sender), From:, Reply-To:, Sender:.

>From the host's point of view, this is a global change that affects
every list, so they may be understandably reluctant to do it.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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