[Mailman-Users] Password reminder on private archive login page

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Jul 24 00:20:41 CEST 2009

liste yoneticisi wrote:
>But I am trying to understand the commands.
>I tried the text in the attachment also but as you warned, it didn't

Yes, It had a few problems :(

>>The final problem is you've inserted your code in the wrong place. You
>>put it where it is only reached if the user is already authenticated
>>or provided a valid authentication.
>Actually if someone reached to the archive (in order to see attachments,
>messages for example) he probably had not logged into list archives
>page yet. He is asked to enter his e-mail and corresponding password.

My remark above referred to where in the logical flow of the private.py
module you had put your code. It was not about how a user would arrive
at the page.

Since I had planned to look into this for Mailman 2.2 anyway, I have
made a first cut at implementing this feature. The attached
privatepw.patch.txt contains patches to Mailman/Cgi/private.py and
templates/en/private.html to implement this feature. I have tested
them and they seem OK.

You're on your own for the Turkish version of the private.html template.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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