[Mailman-Users] How to manually get a list of passwordsfor allmembers to be sent to the administration

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Jan 19 21:35:45 CET 2009

Grant Taylor wrote:

>On 01/19/09 13:07, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> The attached passwd.patch.txt file contains a patch to 
>> bin/list_members to add a "passwords" option which will display the 
>> passwords.
>Hum.  I take it from the fact that the patched version of 
>bin/list_members can display passwords that the passwords them selves 
>are stored in reversible encryption.  (I'm presuming that they are 
>encrypted...)  I do question the feasibility of this.  Though if 
>security mindedness was used, what the OP is requesting would not be 

It is also possible to send a password reminder, so this should not be
a surprise. And no, the member passwords are not encrypted, reversibly
or otherwise. The list admin and moderator passwords are
"irreversibly" encrypted.

This will change in Mailman 3. All passwords will be encrypted.

>> Not with the web admin mass subscribe. or the existing command line 
>> tools.
>Wouldn't it be possible to extend both the web interface and command 
>line tools to be able to accept some sort of delimited string that 
>includes the password, something like /etc/password is colon ":" 
>delimited, or similar.

Of course. In fact the next sentence which you dropped from your quote
said "bin/add_members could be modified to accept a password."

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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