[Mailman-Users] How to manually get a list of passwords for allmembers to be sent to the administration

Grant Taylor gtaylor at riverviewtech.net
Mon Jan 19 21:07:29 CET 2009

On 01/19/09 13:07, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> The attached passwd.patch.txt file contains a patch to 
> bin/list_members to add a "passwords" option which will display the 
> passwords.

Hum.  I take it from the fact that the patched version of 
bin/list_members can display passwords that the passwords them selves 
are stored in reversible encryption.  (I'm presuming that they are 
encrypted...)  I do question the feasibility of this.  Though if 
security mindedness was used, what the OP is requesting would not be 

> Not with the web admin mass subscribe. or the existing command line 
> tools.

Wouldn't it be possible to extend both the web interface and command 
line tools to be able to accept some sort of delimited string that 
includes the password, something like /etc/password is colon ":" 
delimited, or similar.

Grant. . . .

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