[Mailman-Users] Issue with text to Mailman list serve

Darren G Pifer dpifer at odu.edu
Thu Jan 15 17:44:54 CET 2009

Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Brad Knowles wrote:
>>> One of our list serve administrators is experiencing an issue with one of
>>> her listserves.
> If it's a Listserv(r) list, why are you posting here :)
> (Listserv(r) is a registered trademark[1] owned by the developer of a
> particular email list management product, and it shouldn't be used
> generically.)
Yea, it is incorrect to use listserve but it is common amongst our users so
I have assimilated to use the same terminology :(   It is a Mailman list.

>>> Here is her description of the issue.  She is sending
>>> text to her listserve which is a moderated list.  She approves the
>>> message but as a member of the list, the email is received with 3
>>> attachments:  ATT00001.c,  ATT00002.htm, and ATT00003.c.  The
>>> administrator has 2 other lists and when she sends text, she receives
>>> them as text.  She would like email sent as text to be received as text.
>> The only time I've heard of anything like this is when there are different 
>> character sets being used in some of the headers or footers (sometimes space 
>> characters), thus causing the different parts of the message to be put in 
>> different MIME body parts (as described in FAQ 4.39 at 
>> <http://wiki.list.org/x/84A9>).
>> You could try deleting all list-specific headers and footers and re-creating 
>> them, this time making sure that you don't put in any non-ASCII characters. 
>>  Or maybe you've got ASCII characters in there, but there are non-ASCII 
>> characters in the submitted message, such as accented characters in 
>> someone's name or signature?
>> Other than that, I have no idea how this kind of thing would happen.
> The .htm extension on the middle "attachment" which I assume is the
> message body indicates she is not sending a text/plain message but
> rather a text/html message, and content filtering is not removing the
> html part or converting it to plain text. The other "attachments" are
> probably the msg_header and msg_footer as Brad suggests. The FAQ Brad
> references is the relevant one. The difference between lists may be
> that this is the only one that adds msg_header and msg_footer.
As Brad wrote, I found some non-ascii characters in the introduction 
from the general options for the list so I removed them.  I asked the 
list admin to send
another message to the list.  BTW, I asked the admin to add me as a 
member so I can
see what is happening.
> I may not have this exactly right, but the only way to know for sure is
> to see a raw message from the list or at least the content of the
> three "attachments"
If this does not resolve the issue, I will add the attachments in my 
next email to
the group.

Thanks, Darren

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