[Mailman-Users] Why host_name and not domain?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Feb 26 00:09:42 CET 2009

Oliver Glueck wrote:
>why I get as a subscriber a hostname and not an right email address?

Because your Mailman installation is misconfigured.

>I think, it is not good to answer with e.g.
>"Willkommen auf der Mailingliste %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s!"
>Why host_name??? host_name is not the domain! host_name is only
>the FQDN of the Server, but no domain.

host_name should be the email domain for this list. If it isn't, then
at least when the list was created, things like DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
and/or the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary were not properly configured.

>This welcome email to the subscriber is going out of our LAN
>and the subscriber see the internal server name of mailman!!
>And a mailing list isn't a 'name -at- Servername' but
>'name -at- domain' !!
>Not:  name at mail.intern.company.de
>Right: name at company.com  !!
>How can I configure mailman???

DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'the domain you want the world to see in web URLs'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'company.com'

in mm_cfg.py.

Then restart mailman and run

bin/withlist -a -l -r fix_url

to fix your lists.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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