[Mailman-Users] Why host_name and not domain?

Oliver Glueck glueck at igroup.de
Wed Feb 25 15:25:52 CET 2009


why I get as a subscriber a hostname and not an right email address?

I think, it is not good to answer with e.g.
"Willkommen auf der Mailingliste %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s!"
Why host_name??? host_name is not the domain! host_name is only
the FQDN of the Server, but no domain.

This welcome email to the subscriber is going out of our LAN
and the subscriber see the internal server name of mailman!!

And a mailing list isn't a 'name -at- Servername' but
'name -at- domain' !!

Not:  name at mail.intern.company.de
Right: name at company.com  !!

How can I configure mailman???

I need help.

Thanks a lot,

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