[Mailman-Users] Problems after CentOS upgrade....

Charles Gregory cgregory at hwcn.org
Fri Apr 24 20:24:36 CEST 2009

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> Mailman seemed to 'lock up', and queued all outgoing messages until I did
>> a restart....
> First of all, my .02 on rebooting - If you do a yum upgrade that
> updates "system files", you should reboot. If you don't, and there is
> some issue due to the upgrade, the next time you have an unplanned
> reboot due to a power failure or some other external event, you will
> have problems ultimately caused by this upgrade, and you may not even
> remember this upgrade as a potential cause.

My problem is that my system is in a hard-to-access co-lo, which means I 
don't want to risk a reboot that causes problems that can only be 
addressed from a console. So I'm hoping I can avoid the reboot. Otherwise 
I'll have to schedule it for when the box is accessible.....

> Regarding the Mailman issue per se, was Python involved in the upgrade?

Don't think so.

> See various Mailman logs such as error and smtp-failure for problems.

Interestingly enough, when I shutdown mailman it reports an SMTP failure 
for a message it appears to have been 'attempting' to send, then 
shuts down. If I have a 'bad' message in the queue, how would I check 
this, and erase/drop it?

> See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/A4E9>.

Took a run through. Most of the suggestions relate to 'it never worked' 
conditions, as opposed to 'it was working and stopped', or 'it only works 
when I restart it'.

- C

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