[Mailman-Users] Soft bounces....

Charles Gregory cgregory at hwcn.org
Mon Apr 6 17:38:55 CEST 2009

On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, Brad Knowles wrote:
> What do (Yahoo) mean "different classes" of mail?

Personal, Commercial, Listmail. I can see their point. If listmail tries 
to send mail to a 5xx address for a couple of days, that 'lowers the 
reputation' of that IP more than when a personal mail gets a 5xx and the 
human sending it doesn't send any more mail to that address....

Still means that list mail has slowdowns, but personal mail won't....

> If you're using postfix, it should be easy enough to tell it to use a 
> given IP address when transmitting mail to yahoo.com, and use a 
> different address when transmitting to anywhere else.

This is the second postfix capability (the other was 'separate queues') 
that has been referenced that I find interesting. Could you kindly point 
me to a decent manual/doc/faq for either of these? Particularly adjusting 
sending IP according to sender address would be VERY cool....
(Or please reply personally if you think a quick reply would suffice. I 
don't want to clutter the list with OT material).


- Charles

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