[Mailman-Users] Listproc config files

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Sep 15 20:38:01 CEST 2008

Melinda Gilmore wrote:

>We are still in the process of moving from listproc to mailman.  Each 
>time we create a new listproc list we duplicate it with some scripts 
>on the mailman server.    So we already have all the list on the 
>mailman server, but when we get ready to go, we need to be able to 
>pull the most current config files from the listproc for the mailman 
>list. I have seen some post on scripts for migrating the list to 
>mailman, but I just want to be able to pull the list config 
>information so that it will be current on the mailman server.  Has 
>anyone been able to do this.  I thought I seen some reference to 
>dumping that information to mailman was easy.   Thanks for any help.

Exactly what "list config information" are you trying to migrate?

Membership is easy if you can dump a list of member names and addresses
from listproc in the form

  Jane Doe <jane at example.com>
  "John T. Roe" <jtroe at example.net>

you can feed that to bin/sync_members to update the membership of the
Mailman list. You can also use bin/config_list to migrate various list
settings although I don't imagine that mapping listproc settings to
Mailman settings is straightforward.

If you can dump the archives of the listproc list in *nix mbox format,
you can easily import that into Mailman with bin/arch.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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