[Mailman-Users] listname-bounces@

Michael Welch mwelch at redwoodalliance.org
Mon Nov 17 20:12:30 CET 2008

Hi Brad. I did test it, hence "That does not work."

But I do appreciate the reminder, because I had intended to populate that particular autoresponder.

Brad Knowles wrote at 11:09 AM 11/17/2008:
>Michael Welch wrote:
>>That does not work, I assume because the message to -owner is coming from
>>-bounces and not from the original list member. So an autoresponder would
>>be sent back to -bounces, which might actually create an endless loop
>>(though I imagine Mailman traps for that).
>You are correct, Mailman should trap for that.  This means that there's no harm in testing out the feature yourself, just to see what happens.
>If it works, you're done.  If not, then no harm should be done, and we can explore other possibilities.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Michael Welch, volunteer
Redwood Alliance
PO Box 293
Arcata, CA 95518
mwelch at redwoodalliance.org

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