[Mailman-Users] Problem: please help us

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri May 16 16:43:48 CEST 2008

Adnan Shahzad wrote:
>We created a  group e.g abc at lists.example.com<mailto:abc at lists.example.com> , if someone write this email address in TO and send it, that message has been send to all members. We want to abc group email should be send email to one user e.g abc at example.com<mailto:abc at example.com> not to all members. We just want abc group just for sending email.

I don't understand what you mean by the above. I think you mean you
want an announcement or one-way type of list where only one or a few
people can post messages to be received by all members. If so, see

>My user don't want moderation they want simple. I configure like if someone reply or reply all both the case only I receive e-mail, but problem is occurred when someone email on abc at lists.lums.edu.pk<mailto:abc at lists.lums.edu.pk> that email are going to all members, which we don't want kindly give me solution

If I understand you correctly, moderation is the only way Mailman has
to do this. There is no other way to stop a list member from posting
to the list. Note that moderation doesn't necessarily mean all posts
from moderated members will be held for approval. You can set the
action for a post from a moderated member to discard the post or
reject it with a message you supply. See the FAQ article linked above.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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