[Mailman-Users] Changing the From: field

Stephen Martin smartin at managementconcepts.com
Thu Mar 27 16:06:13 CET 2008

This is a silly thing that should be easy, but I cannot for the life  
of me find the setting.  I have a list that is now sending all  
messages with the list name and e-mail address in the FROM: header.   
For example, if the list were named MYLIST and I sent the message, the  
FROM: header is "MYLIST [mylist at mydomain.tld>" instead of "Stephen  
Martin <smartin at managementconcepts.com>".  This new behavor (with the  
list name instead of the sender name) is not what I want (and not what  
the list used to do).  I want the list to show the actual sender.  I  
don't know how the configuration got changed, and I can't seem to find  
what changed to make it go back to the way it used to be.

Stephen Martin
Learning Technologies
8230 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA 22182
tel 703.270.4096
fax 703.790.1930
smartin at managementconcepts.com

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