[Mailman-Users] Some detail questions about migrating lists

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sun Mar 16 22:24:48 CET 2008

Frank Griffin wrote:
>It wasn't the addition of ftg at roadrunner.com in the reply-to that made
>me curious (I can see that this list does that as well), but the fact
>that the second entry has the correct description but the wrong
>address.  Referencing my later post, it seems to be getting the address
>from somewhere external to the actual list profile.
>Where exactly is the authoritative location for these settings ?  I'll
>print and post them.

In a standard Mailman, I trust the web GUI to display the correct thing
in the three settings under "Reply-To: header munging" on the General
Options page.

If you want to see what's behind that, you can do

  bin/dumpdb lists/webdata/config.pck

and look at the actual values of the three attributes
first_strip_reply_to, reply_goes_to_list and reply_to_address.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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