[Mailman-Users] domain update

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Jul 12 17:09:16 CEST 2008

Brad Knowles wrote:

>On 7/11/08, rpyne at kinfolk.org wrote:
>>  I have a list that has a large number of members whose email domain
>>  has changes en mass. In particular, I need to change all of the
>>  subscribers @mmode.com to @txt.att.net. Is there a simple way to do
>>  this or am I going to have to delete and re-subscribe every one of
>>  them?
>You should be able to relatively easily fix these using a "with_list" 
>python script, or by dumping the entire list of subscribers to a 
>file, then editing the file, then re-importing the list of 

If you have command line access, use Mailman's bin/clone_member to
actually change the addresses as that preserves all other member
options and settings.


bin/list_members listname | grep @mmode.com > file

to get a list of addresses to be changed. Edit file to make a list of
commands like

bin/clone_member -r user1 at mmode.com user1 at txt.att.net
bin/clone_member -r user2 at mmode.com user2 at txt.att.net

and run it as a shell script.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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