[Mailman-Users] script to take debian /var/lib/mailman/vritual-mailman to /etc/postfix/relay_domains /etc/postfix/reply_recipients /etc/postfix/transport_maps

Dan MacNeil dan at thecsl.org
Tue Jan 29 22:46:25 CET 2008

If you are running debian etch postfix with heavy spam filtering 
on one machine and debian etch mailman on another machine without 
much spam filtering

this script will take the postfix virtual-mailman file on the 
listserv mailman machine and create the files needed by postfix
to relay the mail to the listserv machine after spam filtering

Changes to DNS and /etc/postfix/main.cf left as exercise to reader.

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#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# copyright dan at thecsl.org
# license GNU GPL v3 or later
# (a bit self important to dignify
# this hack w/ a license)

# script converts contents of mailman-virtual
# generated on csl-lists-01.thecsl.org to
# form needed to postfix needed to relay to that host
# see book of posfix chapter 13 'mail gateways'

# before running:

	# from your listserv machine:
		# copy /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman
	# to:
	#... on your postfix machine

use strict;
# untaint

my $VIRTUAL_MAILMAN_FILE   = '/tmp/virtual-mailman';
my $RELAY_RECIPIENTS_FILE  = '/etc/postfix/relay_recipients';
my $TRANSPORT_MAPS_FILE    = '/etc/postfix/transport';
my $RELAY_DOMAINS_FILE	   ='/etc/postfix/relay_domains';

{    #main

     my @emails  = get_emails($VIRTUAL_MAILMAN_FILE);
     my @domains = get_domains(@emails);

     my @relay_domain_map_lines = map { sprintf "%-55s OK\n", $_ 
} @domains;

     my @transport_map_lines =
       map { sprintf "%-35s smtp:[$_]\n", "$_"; } @domains;

     my @relay_recipient_lines = map { sprintf "%-55s OK\n", $_ } 

     write_and_postmap($TRANSPORT_MAPS_FILE, at transport_map_lines);
     write_and_postmap($RELAY_DOMAINS_FILE, @relay_domain_map_lines);

     # reload postfix config
     my $cmd="/usr/sbin/postfix reload";
     (system($cmd)==0) or die "FAILED: $cmd \n"


sub warn_if_old_file {
     my $file        = shift;
     my $change_time = ( stat $file )[9];
     warn "\n\n$file is more than an hour old. Did you forget to 
copy the new file?\n\n"
       if ( time() - $change_time > 3600 );

sub get_emails {
     my $file = shift;
     my $IN;
     open $IN, $file
       or die "$! ";
     my @emails;
     while ( my $line = <$IN> ) {

         #    next if $line !~ /lists.thecsl.org/;
         next if $line !~ /\@/;
         my $email = ( split /\s+/, $line )[0];
         push @emails, $email;
     @emails = sort @emails;
     close $IN or die "bad close: $!";
     return @emails;

sub get_domains {
     my @emails = @_;
     my @domains;
     foreach my $email (@emails) {
         $email =~ /([\w_\-\.]+)$/;
         push @domains, $1;
     my %unique_domains;
     foreach my $domain (@domains) {

     return sort keys %unique_domains;

sub write_and_postmap {
  my $file=shift;
  my @lines=@_;
  my $OUT_FH;

  open $OUT_FH, '>', $file
	or die "couldn't open $file for writing: $!\n";
  print $OUT_FH @lines ;
  my $cmd="/usr/sbin/postmap $file";
	or die "FAILED: $cmd ";

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