[Mailman-Users] Users Passwords

Troy Knabe knabe at 4j.lane.edu
Tue Jan 15 18:53:51 CET 2008

I have installed Mailman for internal lists.  I have about 1500 lists,  
and employees are members of upwards of 200 lists.  Currently those  
lists are ldap groups  and I am working on migrating them to Mailman.   
I need all of my list archives to be private, so users will need their  
passwords.  But if I were to subscribe users to 200 lists and have  
them receive 200 passwords, they would be overwhelmed.  Has anyone  
else dealt with this, if so how did you deal with it?  Even if Mailman  
knew foo at example.com was a member of list a at example.com so when I  
subscribed him to list b at example.com he received the same password.


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