[Mailman-Users] changing the subject line when rejected

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Aug 22 01:51:17 CEST 2008

Mark Heer wrote:
>When a message is rejected it keeps the same subject line as what was sent.  If the user dows not read the message saying the post was rejected, the user assumes it went out to the list.  How do I change a rejected email subject to what I see in the
>  ListAdmin.py
>        # add in original message, but not wrap/filled
>            if origmsg:
>                text = NL.join(
>                    [text,
>                     '---------- ' + _('Original Message') + ' ----------',
>                     str(origmsg)
>                     ])
>            subject = _('Request to mailing list %(realname)s rejected')
>I expected that the above would be the subject of a rejected notice but it is not.

What you quote above is from the __refuse() method which is only used
internally within ListAdmin to process moderator rejections of posts
and (un)subscribes.

Messages which are rejected by a Handler because of things like a match
in reject_these_nonmembers or member_moderation_action or
generic_nonmember_action set to refuse are processed by the
BounceMessage() method in Mailman/Bouncer.py and as you've observed,
it sets the subject of the notice to the subject of the rejected

If you want, you can replace

        subject = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)'))

in the definition of BounceMessage() with the two lines

        realname = self.real_name
        subject = _('Request to mailing list %(realname)s rejected')

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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