[Mailman-Users] changes at aol

Robert Braver rbraver at ohww.norman.ok.us
Sat Aug 9 20:49:50 CEST 2008

On Saturday, August 9, 2008, 1:40:19 PM, Steven Stern wrote:

SS> On 08/09/2008 12:16 PM, Robert Braver wrote:

SS> | This means you will have to track down the individual message by
SS> | the Message ID in order to identify the email address of the
SS> | specific recipient.

SS> If you add personalization in the footer, AOL will not redact it.

Today, yes, but not after the changes being made by AOL that is the
subject of this thread.


  What is the difference between the traditional AOL Feedback Loop
  format and ARF?

  The traditional format is a MIME multipart message with one empty
  text part and one message/rfc822 part with the original message
  being complained about. Parts of the header of the message being
  complained about are redacted out, where normally the AOL
  ScreenName recipient would be present.

  ARF is defined in a internet draft located at
  http://www.mipassoc.org/arf/ . ARF messages have three mime parts,
  one part for general information, one machine parsable and meta
  data part, and the last part as the original message being
  complained about. **** The original message is redacted to protect
  clear text occurrences of AOL screen names and email addresses.

An example ARF report (with redacted message) is provided on the
page referenced above.  

Best regards,
 Robert Braver
 rbraver at ohww.norman.ok.us

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