[Mailman-Users] global email address blocklist?

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Wed May 2 05:58:14 CEST 2007

Ron Brogden wrote:
>Looking at the source, I see the following on line 394 of "MailList.py":
>self.ban_list = []
>I am wondering if a possible solution here would be to initialize this value 
>to include a list of banned email address, either via an included value from 
>Defaults.py or by hardcoding the values into to the above array?
>self.ban_list = [ 'clueless at aol.com', 'bad_gui_design at aol.com' ]

You can do either. The 'standard' way to do it would be to define


in Defaults.py (actually Defaults.py.in for a patch) and then put your

DEFAULT_BAN_LIST =['clueless at aol.com',
'bad_gui_design at aol.com']

in mm_cfg.py and put

        self.ban_list = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_BAN_LIST

in MailList.py.

>What I am unclear of is whether this means that every message has to be 
>scanned through this list or whether it would only apply to subscribe 

It only applies to subscription requests, and since 2.1.7, invitations,
subscription confirmations and changes of address.

However, the above changes will only initialize the ban_list for new
lists. You will still need to use config_list or whatever to update
existing lists.

>Another potential spot would be in "AddMember()".  Perhaps just adding a new 
>function to MailList.py which checks if the address is in a global array and 
>raises an error if this is the case?

Yes. This would have the addvantage of not requiring the various list's
ban_list to be updated with every change and seems a better solution
for your purpose.

I suggest however that the place to make this change is not
AddMember(), but GetBannedPattern().

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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