[Mailman-Users] Nomail members

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Thu Mar 8 17:07:26 CET 2007

Paul Tomblin wrote:

>I'm having two problems with members of a list who are set to "no mail"
>but whose email address is no longer valid:
>- The bounce of the monthly password reminder, even though it is VERPed,
>  is not sufficient to remove them from the list because it's only one
>  bounce.  It would be nice if that bounce would trigger some additional
>  probing, possibly immediately going to the "you are disabled" warnings.

It would not be difficult to do a withlist script to list those members
with current bounce info and disabled delivery. You could run this a
day or so after the password reminders are sent to get a manual list
for further manual action.

I'm not sure that treating a bounce of a password reminder as an
immediate disable for bounce is a good idea. It is after all, just one
bounce. If you don't disable members for bounce after one single post
bounces, It probably isn't a good idea to do it for password reminders

Another thought is that password reminders are sent from the 'mailman'
list. You could set the alias for mailman-bounces to deliver these to
a person.

>- I send the membership list of one particular list off as a cron job to a
>  friend who has a "backup list" for that one.  But there is no easy way
>  to remove addresses that are set to "no mail" from the output of
>  list_members.  What I want is the opposite of "list_members -n" to show
>  only members who aren't set to "no mail".

Have you tried "list_members -n enabled"? It's not documented, but it

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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