[Mailman-Users] Problem with archive URL

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Fri Feb 16 22:45:53 CET 2007

Julia Frizzell wrote:
>They're public archives, and I do not have a hard coded host name in  
>my mm_cfg.py.
>Interestingly enough, ALL of the other links work perfectly. It is  
>ONLY the list for the archives that has a problem. Should I worry  
>about running the fix_url.py and having it create problems for the  
>currently working links and potentially messing up the other virtual  
>hosts, or should I just relax and let it do its thing?

I went to your listinfo overview page to see what Mailman version you
are using, and I see it is 2.1.5.

2.1.5 inverts the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary, and looks up the lists
host_name attribute (email host) in the inverted dictionary to get the
corresponding web host. This is not done in current Mailman and is
subject to error if the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary has duplicate values.

I suggest the problem is as follows:

Mailman was configured such that the Defaults.py settings for
DEFAULT_URL_HOST and DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST are both 'alliance.brown.edu',
and this entry is put in VIRTUAL_HOSTS by the
add_virtualhost(DEFAULT_URL_HOST, DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST) in Defaults.py

mm_cfg.py contains

DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'lists.alliance.brown.edu'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'alliance.brown.edu'

This results in a VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary =

{'lists.alliance.brown.edu': 'alliance.brown.edu',
 'alliance.brown.edu': 'alliance.brown.edu'}

which, since dictionaries can't have duplicate keys, gets inverted to

{'alliance.brown.edu': 'alliance.brown.edu'}

If I am correct, the solution to this problem is to add


to mm_cfg.py preceeding the add_virtualhost() as

DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'lists.alliance.brown.edu'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'alliance.brown.edu'

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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