[Mailman-Users] Mail going to list archives but not to list!

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Tue Sep 26 20:12:23 CEST 2006

At 8:51 AM -0400 9/26/06, Elizabeth Schwartz wrote:

>  Another question:  is there any parallelism of processing files in the out
>  queue or are they done sequentially?

By default, it's single-threaded -- but not really "sequential".  It 
has more to do with how the directory entries are written, and not 
what you or I would think of as "sequential".

There are ways to get more than one Outgoing queue runner working, 
but that's a very non-standard configuration, and takes more work to 
maintain.  I would like to see Mailman move towards a hashed queue 
mechanism (like postfix), so that it would be a lot easier to have 
multiple Outgoing queue runners working at the same time.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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